BEST toys FOR 1 YEAR OLDS: [15 CHOICES] THAT parents & babies will LOVE!

As a child grows from the infant stage into their first year it can be tough to decide which toys are age-appropriate. You are also probably ready to step onto something a little a lot more exciting than Sophie the Giraffe yourself. Whether you are trying to find a first birthday gift or just seeking to add something new to the playroom, we have gathered the best toys for 1 year olds below!

The best toys for 1 Year Olds

Overall top pick Lovevery Play Kits
Best Grow-with-Me ToyVTech sit to Stand learning Walker
Best learning ToyTop bright activity Cube
Best toy That aids in DevelopmentMega Bloks first Builders

Finding the best toys for 1 Year Old Babies

The best toys for a 1 year old mix developmental milestones with sensory activities. This indicates they will not only keep your baby’s attention but also help them grow. due to this, we have sorted them into categories to help highlight the benefits of each toy beyond being a fun, age-appropriate item.

Jump to the category you’re looking for:

Grow with Me Toys
Floor and Ride-On Toys
Toys That encourage learning and imagination
Toys That aid in Development

Grow With Me Toys: The toys can be used when sitting, standing, and crawling or walking. These toys grow along with your child, giving you long term use. 

Floor and Ride-On Toys: These are best for this age group because the child can learn how to play independently from their seat on the floor and then can explore even a lot more as they learn to crawl, stand, and walk.

Toys That encourage learning and Imagination: These will help your little one reach their next milestone through the use of lights, colors, sounds, and music.

Toys That aid in Development: While these are also toys that involve learning, they are specifically focused on helping your child fine tune their motor skills. For this age group a lot of of these toys are floor centered and involve stacking and teaching colors and shapes.

Best toys for 1 Year Olds

Best grow with Me toys for 1 Year Olds

VTech sit to Stand learning Walker
5 stars on Amazon with Over 60,000 Reviews!

Before your little one can walk, they can play with the early learning center while sitting. It has 5 piano keys that play music and encourage creativity. once they start standing, they can push this around as walker. The wheels even work on carpeted floors!

Bolt itt

Skip hope Follow-Me Bee Crawl Toy
The Follow-Me Bee is made for children over 5 months old and is a terrific option if you are trying to find a toy that will motivate your baby to crawl. This toy can be played with in 3 different stages for pre-crawlers, crawlers, and advanced crawlers.

Bolt itt

VTech pull and Sing Puppy
The pull and Sing Puppy is a fun interactive pet dog with buttons, lights, and songs for your little one to discover. It also has the ability to roll along the floor, making it terrific for toddlers sitting, crawling, and walking.

Bolt itt

Best floor and Ride-On toys for a 1 Year Old

Wooden Race Track car Ramp
This is a terrific interactive toy for floor play. The automobiles are big enough that they are safe for a 1 year old, which sets it besides lots of other racing track toys. Plus, it has such a basic design that your toddler can navigate using it on their own.

Bolt itt

Radio Flyer 4-in-1 stroll N’ Trike
This toy starts out as a stroller that you can push your toddler around in. then it converts into a steering trike, learn-to-ride trike, and full tricycle.

Bolt itt

Geometric Sorting Shapes
These Geometric Sorting shapes are a terrific basic floor toy. The five different shapes are all wooden and painted in rainbow colors. They are perfectly sized for little hands to grasp. Plus, the pegboard holder is terrific for teaching sorting, hand-eye coordination, as well as colors, shapes, and counting.

Looking for other Montessori style toy ideas? check out our top picks!

Bolt itt

Baby balance Bike
The baby balance Bike is a pedal-less bike created for 10-24 month old toddlers. The ride is powered by their feet! The larger wheels and manage makes steering easy. It Is terrific beginner bike to help children learn the basics while having a blast.

Bolt itt

Best toys for a 1 Year Old that encourage learning and imagination

Musical learning Workbench
The musical learning Workbench allows young children to start working with their own tools and learning how to fix things just like adults. This workbench is complete with tools and the workstation, which makes tool noises, has lights and teaches shapes with the bench pieces.

Bolt itt

VTech musical Rhymes Book
Picture books are terrific but this interactive musical Rhymes book allows children to take pleasure in music while reading. This book is easy for little fingers to turn, has buttons for playing music, and two modes, music and learning.

Bolt itt

Top bright activity Cube
Many young children’s learning toys fit as lotS lehetőségek egy játék, és a tevékenység kocka nem kivétel. This wooden box features five sides of activity from the top with bead sliders to each side with its own interactive element. A felső rész eltávolítható az összes darab belsejében.

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Leapfrog zeneszám
A helyhez kötött tanulási játékhoz a Leapfrog Music Table egy fantasztikus választás. This low table has a tabletop full of lights, buttons, and colors for teaching all the basics. The table can play upwards of 70 songs and has the option to play in both English and Spanish. Ez egy fantasztikus tanulási állomás azoknak, akik elkezdenek állni és sétálni.

Bolt itt

A legjobb játékok egy 1 éves, hogy a fejlesztés támogatása

LoveVery Play Kits
Javasoljuk, hogy minden szülő nézzen fel egy Lovevery Play Kit előfizetésre. Lovevery toys are created by experts and are indicated to support learning within the developmental stage your baby is in.

Még ötleteket és módokat kínálnak arra, hogy új ötleteket adjanak Önnek az interakcióhoz, hogy gyorsan növekvő és változó 1 éves!

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Mega blokkok első építők
A classic building toy, a set of Mega Bloks help children learn colors, shapes, and the basics of building. Ezek a blokkok egy fantasztikus lehetőség a kis kezek számára, hogy segítsenek nekik a motoros készségek fejlesztésében, és a darabokat biztonságossá tegyék a független vagy egyéni játékhoz.

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Fából készült xilofon
Ez a fából készült xilofon speciális csavart használ a klasszikus játékon. A series of large wooden balls are hit with a mallet on the top to make the xylophone play notes below. children can learn how to make sounds, work on hand-eye coordination, and the balls roll away which gets them moving.

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Stacking Cups
Az alap, mégis szórakoztató és életkor-megfelelő játék ezek a rakodó csészék. Számos színekben kapható, ezek a halmozható csészék fantasztikus on-the-go játékok, amelyek segítenek a kézi szemkondícionálás, az alapvető puzzle készségek és a színek gyermekeinek. Ez a játék a saját vagy más játékok sokkal szórakoztatóbbá válik.

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Kérdéseink vagy ötleteink a legmagasabb játékokról 1 évesek számára? Hagyjon üzenetet a megjegyzésekben!

Gyakran Ismételt Kérdések

Melyik játék a legjobb 1 éves?

Javasoljuk, hogy minden szülő nézzen fel egy Lovevery Play Kit előfizetésre. Lovevery toys are created by experts and are indicated to support learning within the developmental stage your baby is in.

Mit játszanak az 1 évesek?

The best toys for a 1 year old mix meeting developmental milestones with sensory activities. Ez azt jelzi, hogy nem csak a baba figyelmét, hanem segítséget nyújtanak nekik.

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